Build a team of 6 Heroes and fight against dungeon bosses. The stronger the boss the higher reward.
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Build a team of 6 Heroes and fight against dungeon bosses. The stronger the boss the higher reward.
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In PVE mode, heroes will be able to fight beasts, human enemies, mythological creatures, titans, etc. When going on a dungeon the heroes will spend 1 energy and if the hero defeats the enemy, he will obtain token rewards, items, EXP and more.
Place where creatures and enemies live. All battles in PVE mode take place in different dungeons.
Throughout Gaia, you can find dungeons of varying difficulty to suit any team of heroes. May the gods bless you.In each dungeon there are different enemies. Each enemy will have a different level and each one of them will have different degrees of difficulty, so you can select the difficulty of each enemy. The higher the level of the enemy and the more difficult it is, the higher the reward.
Each enemy will be more powerful than the previous one, that is, there is an ascending order of level as you face a later enemy.
If you have between 0-6 heroes you will have 24 Energy.
For each additional hero you will have 4 daily energy, that is, if for example you have 10 heroes, the daily energy you will have will be 40.
Maximum total daily energy 144.
1 Energy will be consumed for each fight.
Energy regeneration is 100% daily. Example: if you have 24 energy every hour regenerate one energy. If you have 40 energy, every 36 minutes gives you 1 energy.
If you don't have energy, you won't be able to fight or get experience. When we'll launch the PVP this will change and you will be able to gain experience in the PVE.