The PVP mode will take place on the Colloseum where you will fight other heroes. MMR system implemented with progressive rewards tiers.
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The PVP mode will take place on the Colloseum where you will fight other heroes. MMR system implemented with progressive rewards tiers.
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Heroes will fight with other heroes (real users). A division system will be implemented (MMR in Axie infinity or Tiers in League of Legends) and with each win, heroes will earn rewards. These rewards (mostly tokens) will depend on the division the gladiator is.
You can choose between 6 teams to fight, before fighting you will be able to see the statistics of each team. Once you have chosen the team you will be able to fight against it, after each fight it is reflected if you have won or lost against that team so that you can better establish your strategy.
Here you can take a look at your opponent's team and stats.